Spider Lifecycle Events
Observations on Atypus karschi* (formerly known as A. snetsingeri) at Tyler Arboretum's Spider Field were used to make an annual Activity Calendar with accompanying notes on different Life-History events.
Note that the timing of these events may be different for the Sphodros species in the U.S., and in the southern states there is no real winter dormant period with freezing soil. In all species, however, mating, cohabitation, and egg laying occur in the female spider's tube, and the Mother Spider tends to her spiderlings for many months before they emerge.

* Note: Recent DNA evidence indicates that Atypus snetsingeri is actually an introduced naturalized population of Atypus karschi from east Asia. The name 'snetsingeri' will still be used here until the official synonomy is declared in the World Spider Catalog.